All educational institutions offering a degree or qualification may participate in the competition.
Teams must have consent from their University in order to participate in the Competition.
How do I register in the 2025 edition of the IBA ICC Moot Court Competition?
- Register your university via our online form between 10 September and 18 November 2024.
*All you need for this registration is: the name, address, and country of the university, as well as the name, email address and phone number of the contact person. Teams need to also provide invoice details for their registration fee, i.e., the person/organization/entity who will make the payment, their country and address, as well as the name of the person to receive the invoice, their phone number and email address.
**You can already include the details of the Team Members if you have them.
*** Do you need some additional time to be able to register your team? Contact us at!
- The Organizing Office will send you a confirmation of participation to the International Round by 25 November 2024.
You will need to confirm receipt.
How do I finalize my registration in the Competition?
- Submit all Team Members’ details by 6 January 2025 via our online form.
*You will need to submit the following details: names, emails, phone numbers of all team members.
- Pay the registration fee within 30 days of receiving the invoice.
*Fee waivers are not possible. However, teams from low-income and lower-middle-income countries can apply for one of our scholarships.
All teams who have submitted a registration form are considered as participants in the Competition and must comply with all Rules and Deadlines.
Do you have any questions about the Competition? Check out our FAQ for Teams!